Monday, May 18, 2009

At the Lodge

The crowd had convened around one of the lodges in the park nearby the beach. It was surprising that none of them had been stopped by police officers. They were all drinking out of open containers. But they had all broken off into two’s or three’s or one and none appeared overly abnormal from the views of the few cop cars scattered throughout the park. They had been covert with their wine drinking, but it was after 4 AM now, and they were very drunk.
Spencer suggested they go inside the lodge and smoke a joint, so they could be smoking at 4:20.
“It’s the only thing that makes sense to do!” he said.
Penelope did not wish to put herself at risk, and so said she’d wait outside. Luther said that he would keep her company, and keep watch.
“If any cops come, I’ll shout ‘help!’ and you guys all come out and pretend to help!”
Charles, Spencer, Jeanne, Missy, and Marcus all went into the men’s bathroom in the lodge and squeezed into a stall at 4:19 AM.
“This is for Spencer.” He passed a joint over to him.
“This is for every time anybody ever told you to learn from your past mistakes. This is for every time anybody told you that you weren’t fit to cohabit society with them. When they thought you were just a stoned asshole. This is to prove them right. They were right all along.”
A bum knocked on the door of their stall.
Everyone looked around puzzled. The minute had turned over.
“And you know what? Even if they were right, even if they are right, hell, especially if they’re right, then I don’t want to be right anymore.” He lit it and passed it to Missy.
“Well, I usually don’t do this, but tonight I’ll make an exception. For you, Spencer!”
She puffed on it and passed it to Jeanne.
“I usually do do this, and tonight, I won’t make any exceptions.”
She took a drag and passed it to Charles
“Though I can never look upon you with the eyes of a lover, let there be some spark in some other galaxy as a result of the contact between mouth, and paper, and mouth, which bespeaks the deep and true tenderness I feel for you.”
Charles passed it to Marcus
The bum knocked again.
“I’m a lover, not a dandy.” Marcus said before he hit the joint.
Spencer opened up the stall door and saw the bum. He gave him a dollar and shut it. After another go around the circle, they heard Luther yell, “Help!” The joint was finished, and they threw it in the toilet and flushed it. They all came running out.

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